Cockerspanieleiden pääerikoisnäyttely 10.6.2023
Mrs Tina Beswick, UK (kennel Cachel) – urokset
MR Derek Shapland,UK (kennel Deracor) – nartut
Kuvat Minna Askolin

C.I.B. Fi & Se(n) Mva JMV-14 HeJV-14 HeVW-21 VV-21
Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (om. Jonna Väre)
C.I.B. C.I.E. Fi & Lv & Lt & Balt Ch Lv & Ee JMva Fi Jva
Triplet Too-Ticky (om. Heli Härkälä)

Fenbrook Everything But The Girl (om. Taava Nevapuro)
Fi & Lt JMva
Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (om. Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)

C.I.B. Fi & Se(n) Mva JMV-14 HeJV-14 HeVW-21 VV-21
Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (om. Jonna Väre)
C.I.B. C.I.E. Fi & Ee & Lv & Lt Balt Mva Fi Jva
Triplet Viking Queen (om. Heli Härkälä)

I Will Be Fairy In Your Tale (om. Verna Vehmanen)
Perchwater Gianni Versace (om. Katariina Leivo)

kennel Triplet (om. Heli Härkälä)
ei kuvaa
C.I.B. C.I.E. C.I.B.-V Fi & Ee & Lv & Lt & Balt Mva Fi & Lt & Ee VMva Lt & Lv & Ee & Balt JMva Fi & Se Jva LtJV-15 TlnJW-15 EeV-17
Triplet Yes Indeed (om. Heli Härkälä)
PARAS UROS -sijoitukset

PU 1
C.I.B. Fi & Se(n) Mva JMV-14 HeJV-14 HeVW-21 VV-21
Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (om. Jonna Väre)
Fi & Lt JMva
Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (om. Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)

PU 3
Lt Mva
Allert’s Yours Song (om. Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)
Fi & Ee & Lv & Lt & Balt Mva JV-16 TlnW-22 LvV-22
Triplet By Desing (om. Heli Härkälä)
PARAS NARTTU -sijoitukset

C.I.B. C.I.E. Fi & Lv & Lt & Balt Mva Lv & Ee JMva Fi Jva
Triplet Too-Ticky (om. Heli Härkälä)
C.I.B.-J Fi & Lt & Lv & Ee & Balt JMva JV-22 SeJV-22 SeV-22 LtJV-23
Benchmark Blushing Princess (om. Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)

Fenbrook Hay Girl (om. Taava Nevapuro)
Fenbrook Everything But The Girl (om. Taava Nevapuro)
Luokkavoittajat – urokset

Perchwater Gianni Versace
Nicely shaped head. Good forechest. Good body for age. Nice ribs. Well balanced. Level topline. Both testicles intact. Good teeth. Good angulations front and rear. Nice type. Moves well. Holding topline. Good tailset. Very promising.

Triplet As The Crow Flies
Nicely shaped puppy. Good head and eye. Good bone. Good ribs. Short in loin. Good angulations front and rear. Good topline and tailset. Nice type of puppy. Moved freely, straight and true. Happy on the move. Very promising.

Fi & Lt JMva
Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle
Lovely masculine head. Good dentition. Well balanced. Good forechest, legs and feet. Short coupled. Good layback of shoulder and good rear angulation. Short below hock. Good topline and tailset. Lovely type. Typical. Moved really well. Wagging tail. Merry cocker. All the essentials.

Jenlin Syyshehku
Good masculine head. Well balanced. Good width and depth. Good legs and tight feet. Well sprung ribs. Short coupled. Good rear angulation. Level topline and tailset. Lovely on the move. Good reach and drive. Holding good topline. Ever-wagging tail.

Lv Mva
Allert’s Your Song
Good head. Tight eye. Kind expression. Good in forechest. Lovely bone and feet. Well balanced throughout. Good front and rear angulations. Good ribs. Level topline. Good tailset. Intact. Really strides out well, holding his topline. Happy on the move. Nicely presented. Nice type.

Fi Mva
Pretty Flower’s Gangnam Style
Nice masculine headed male. Tight eye. Good dentition. Good forechest. Okay for bone and feet. Good lay of shoulder. Good ribs. Well angulated rear. Level topline and good tailset. Very nice on the move. Uses his hocks to drive. Just unfortunately carries his tail a little high.

Fi & Ee & Lv & Lt & Balt Mva JV-16 TlnW-22 LvV-22
Triplet By Design
Good masculine head. Tight eye. Lovely expression. Teeth okay. Good in forechest. Good bone. Well ribbed. Short in loin. Balanced all through. Short below hock. Level topline. Good tailset. Very merry cocker on the move. Really nice topline and tailset held. Moved out really well.

C.I.B. Fi & Se(n) Mva JMV-14 HeJV-14 HeVW-21 VV-21
Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners
Lovely masculine boy. Good head. Tight eye. Dentition okay for his 10 years. Good in forechest. Terrific bone and lovely tight feet. Good ribs. Good width over loin. Well angulated front and rear. Level topline. Good tailset. Lovely type. This boy flows on the move. Uses the whole ring. Moved out with reach and drive. Lovely boy.
Luokkavoittajat – nartut
ei kuvaa
Säkenöivän Sweet Like A Caramel
A sweet golden bitch with lovely head. Well-developed rib, short coupled, overall lovely outline. Moved okay.

I Will Be Fairy In Your Tale
8 months old blue bitch with good feminine head. Good fit front. Overall pleasing outline. In good coat. A sound, happy mover.

Fenbrook Everything But The Girl
Well constructed bitch trough out. A pleasant bone, body and substance. In good coat. Overall pleasing outline. Sound, happy movement.

C.I.B.-J Fi & Ee & Lt & Lv & Balt JMva JV-22 SeJV-22 SeV-22 LtJV-23
Benchmark Blushing Princess
18 months old. A well constructed blue bitch troughout. A full body and substance. Good sprung of rib. In good coat. Moved happily and soundly.

Fenbrook Hay Girl
Black bitch, presents lovely outline. Good coat. Good feminine head. Well lay back shoulder, well-muscled. Very happy mover.

Fi Mva Lt & Lv & Ee JMva RigaJW-21
Triplet Loving Memories
Very pretty blue bitch who is nicely made out. Nice tight feet. Short coupled. Overall pleasing outline. A happy buzzling cocker who moved well.

C.I.B. C.I.E. Fi & Lv & Lt & Balt Mva Lv & Ee JMva Fi Jva
Triplet Too-Ticky
Pleasing feminine bitch, with good outline. Good legs and feet. Short coupled. A free, sound, happy mover.

C.I.B. C.I.E. Fi & Ee & Lv & Lt Balt Mva Fi Jva
Triplet Viking Queen
Very well constructed bitch with good body and substance. Pleasing outline. Excellent condition for age of 12 years. Happy, free mover.
Erikoisnäyttelyssä kesäkuussa 2023 jaettiin seuraavat kiertopalkinnot:

kadonneet pokaalit; Näitä ei jaettu
KRISTALA COCKWAVE’S CUP, ROP-pentu I will Be Fairy In Your Tale (Verna Vehmanen)
BREEZE CUP I, paras junioriluokan uros Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (Mariann Korpi& Anett Finnig)
NORTHWORTH WILD AND WISE CUP, ROP-veteraani Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (Jonna Wäre)
BABY CUP, paras 5-7 kk uros pentu Perchwater Gianni Versace (Katariina Leivo)
(DE BRIGHTDALE’S LAUTANEN, paras kirjava kasvattajaluokka kiertopalkinto kadonnut, tilalle lahjoitettu uusi kiertopalkinto)
EDITIN PIKARI, paras suomalaisen omistama Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (Jonna Wäre)
COCKER CUP, paras Suomessa syntynyt cockerspanieli Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (Jonna Wäre)
BOB CUP, ROP Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (Jonna Wäre)
SHAVIAN CUP II, VSP Triplet Too-Ticky (Heli Härkälä)
TINO CUP, VSP-veteraani Triplet Viking Queen (Heli Härkälä)
FENBROOK CUP, ROP-juniori Fenbrook Everything But The Girl (Taava Nevapuro)
TAHVO CUP, VSP-pentu Perchwater Gianni Versace (Katariina Leivo)
SWEETIE-PIE CUP, ROP-kasvattajaryhmä Triplet (Härkälä Heli)
COASTLINE CUP, ROP-jälkeläisryhmä Triplet Yes Indeed (Heli Härkälä)
SHAVIAN CUP I, paras 7-9 kk pentu I Will Be Fairy In Your Tale (Verna Vehmanen)
BREEZE CUP I, paras junioriluokan uros Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (Mariann Korpi& Anett Finnig)
BREEZE CUP II, paras junioriluokan narttu Fenbrook Everything But The Girl (Taava Nevapuro)
SARAHILL & MARGATE TROPHY, paras alle 2 vuotta Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)
BENCHMARK CUP, paras kirjava Triplet Too-Ticky (Heli Härkälä)
BENCHMARK SPECIAL, paras kirjava suomalaisista vanhemmista, Benchmark Blushing Princess (Mariann Korpi & Anett Finnig)
LEAVENWORTH TROPHY, paras musta Fenbrook Sure Fire Winners (Jonna Wäre)
COLOUR CUP, muun värinen (ei musta, pun tai blueroan) Fenbrook Everything But The Girl (Taava Nevapuro)
GOLD POINT CUP, paras punainen Pretty Flower’s Hard Rock Hallelujah (Katariina Leivo)
BENCHMARK TROPHY, paras kirjava kasvattajaluokka Triplet (Härkälä Heli)
TROPHÄE IN ERINNERUNG AN HOCHACHTUNGS VOM SCHLOSS HELLENSTEIN paras kirjava jälkeläisryhmä Triplet Yes Indeed (Heli Härkälä)
ALI CUP I, paras käyttöluokan uros Pretty Flower’s Gangnam Style (Milla Tuomi)
ALI CUP II, paras kirjava käyttöluokan narttu Triplet Loving Memories (Heli Härkälä)
RACCOON’S CUP, paras käyttöluokan narttu Triplet Loving Memories (Heli Härkälä)
CLAREMARK BRING THEM IN, paras tuontikoira Pilula’s Caal Me Silver For Olle (Mariann Korpi& Anett Finnig)
SIMON’S TROPHY, näyttelyn vanhin Cobarn Distant Drums (Jaana Ranta)